Barcelona climate

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Temperature in Barcelona when to go to BarcelonaThe climate is mediterranean in Barcelona hot summer and winter near 10 degrees or more in the afternoon.

Weather by month in Barcelona January February March April May June July August September October November december
Average temperature Barcelona 10 11 13 15 18 22.5 26 26.5 23.5 20 15 12.5
temperature min Barcelona 6 8 9 11 14 19 22 21 19 17 13 10
temperature max Barcelona 13 14 17 20 22 26 30 31 27 23 18 15
seawater temperature Barcelona 14   13  14 16   18  21 24  26  24   21 17  15 
Days in Tshirt Barcelona 1 2 7 11 20 26 30 30 26 17 10 6
Days at the beach Barcelona 3 5 10 12 20 26 29 29 27 20 12 8

When to go to Barcelona

May and June in Barcelona

The water is cold at this time but the temperature of the air is like summer in France and better than the south of England ... Tshirt require for a good time in Spain !

September to mid October in Barcelona

To continue the summer. The weather is nice, the only bad thing is the night who arrive faster at this time ... in October the wind began on the end of afternoon that refresh momentarily temperature, the temperature of the water is excellent at this time in Barcelona.

Don't forget for the climate of Barcelona

In summer there is no problem, there is no rain but in the rest of the year the climate in Barcelona can change every day because of the mountain !

Then take a pull avery time you go to Barcelona.

Barcelona climate
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