Climate Calpe

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Weather of Calpe in Valencia coastThe weather of Calpe is good a large part of the year, 2 month of winter and two big month of summer, the rest of the year it's ok.

Calpe climate by month January February March April May June July August September October November décember
temperature average Calpe  12  12  14  17  20  23  26  27  24  20  16  13
temperature min Calpe  7  7  9  11  14  18  20  22  19  15  11  8
temperature max Calpe  16  17  19  22  25  28  31  32  29  25  21  18
temperature seawater  14  14  15  16  18  22  26  27  25  21  18  15
Average days in tshirt  2  4  10  16  22  27  31  31  28  20  10  2
Days on th beach  1  3  6  14  20  25  30  30  25  14  6  1

When you can go to Calpe

Calpe or Calp in Valencian dialect is the good city to swim and spend holidays but just before summer and between summer end winter.

The best months to visit Calpe

We prefer May because there is a good climate and temperature are very good but the water is cold.

September is the best month, hot water (25 degrees in seawater) and the atmosphere of hot temperature is finish but temperature stay around 30 degrees each day !

About Calpe climate to travel

The winter can be a little bit cold (January and February) but the rest of the year you can have a November or March and April with 25 degrees or with 15 degrees ...

This is the bad thing in Calpe with these three months.

Climate Calpe
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