Top 10 UNESCO Spain

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L'alhambra depuis l'Albaizin

1) Granada Alhambra, Generalife and the Albaicin 

Since 1984 Alhambra and the Generalife are Heritage and the Albaicin district was added to the perimeter in 1994.

Dating back to the Middle Ages (construction between the 12th and 14th century) the Arab palace and fortress of the Alhambra is located on a hill overlooking Granada, the palace or generalife includes wonderful garden to visit.

Given this monumental building is the old Granada Albayzin also located on a hill, walking in the streets is a delight (very steep careful) and the view of the Alhambra is magical.

2) Seville with its Cathedral, the Alcazar

The inscription dates from 1987 and includes the Cathedral (Giralda), which contains the majestic tomb of Christopher Columbus, the Giralda minaret includes a contemporaneous Moor, Alcazar also located in the city center of Seville is beautiful, less known but equally superb: the archivo de indias you'll guess contains all the records of the time of discovery of the Indies and America.

3) Merida and Roman city

Listed in 1997 all Roman Merida is very well preserved and includes amphitheaters, arenas, but it's not all a gigantic Roman aqueduct crosses the river, more excavations are not finished because in the city there is still excavations.

4) The historical center of Cordoba

Ancient city Moor as Séeville or Grenada is world heritage by Unesco since 1994 just 10 years after the Mosque of Cordoba which now includes a tour of the Alcazar and Calahora.

The city is beautiful and it is nice to hang out but certainly in the mosque turned cathedral is truly magical, it really makes the tale of the Arabian Nights.

5) The center of Salamanca

Salamanca is famous for its universities, world heritage by UNESCO since 1988, the town is charming Moorish-inspired and student life is bouillonante.

TOP 5 UNESCO Circuit Spain

The top 5 can be done in a circuit from any country, in fact you only if you are driving to begin with Salamanca and down to Mérida and Seville or Granada then you can reach Cordoba before heading Madrid (feel free to make a hooked by Toledo and Segovia around the Spanish capital!

Why not add Caceres between Merida and Salamanca

6) Caceres and its walled city

Heritage of UNESCO since 1986, the old walled city of Caceres is sublime share fortifications but also by its ancient streets dating back 14 and 16 th centuries.

Getting lost in the alleys is happiness and above all an incredible journey through time, the city was not outrageously crowded with tourists, Caceres is pretty quiet and there is a great air quiet and relaxing.

7) Elche and dual enrollment at Heritage UNESCOElche Castle

Elche has the largest area of Palm Europe due to its warm climate, it is pleasant to walk but what is magical is the second entry in the Heritage that is immaterial, it is of a religious spectacle taking place in mid August every year or as in many Christian cities virgin is out of his church.

All around the church building you can read the explanation of this annual ritual in Elche but also for that matter climb up to admire the view of Elche and of course the extensive palm grove.

8) Saint Jacques de Compostelle

The ancient city is the heritage of UNESCO since 1985, known for its festivals of St. Jacques and his most famous European pilgrimage.

The city of Saint Jacques de Compostela in Galicia includes buildings of the romantic and baroque buildings and some Gothic that gives this city at the end of a particular air Spain.

9) Gaudi (Catalonia)

One sets the oldest heritage listed by UNESCO in Spain since 1985.

Although the works were previously listed as the Park Güell with its palace and the Casa Mila in Barcelona city center, is now all under the same name for UNESCO.

10) Tarragona and its archaeological heritage

Registered since 2000 archaeological heritage, the old trading post of Tarragona was a major hub of Roman Spain.

The set is very fragmented because unfortunately a lot of construction were destroyed by re building more advanced ages, however, have little good to realize the extent of the ancient Roman city of Tarragona

Top 10 UNESCO Spain
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