Climate Melilla

Climate of Ceuta enclave in MoroccoThe months weather of Melilla and Nador in North Africa

Average weather January February March April May June July August September October November décember
temperature average 12 13 15 16 19 23 25 26 24 20 17 14
Temperature min Melilla 8 9 11 12 15 18 21 22 20 16 13 10
temperature max Melilla 16 17 19 20 23 27 29 30 28 24 21 18
temperature seawater Melilla 16  16  17  18  19  22  24  25  24  22  19  17
temperature seawater Nador  17  16  17  19  20  23  25  26  25  23  20  18
Average days in tshirt   6  8  10  13  25  29  31  31  28  22  14  9
Days on the beach in Melilla  4  5  7  10  22  25  30  30  27  20  11  5

Melilla is a Spanish territory with a harbor and airport only paired with the Moroccan city of Nador.

Nador has against a station connected to the network ONCF Morocco.

When travel to Spain Melilla

Melilla is protected from winds from the ocean and has direct access to the Mediterranean Sea.

When to go to Nador in Morocco

Nador is a beautiful lagoon and knows even better climate than Melilla especially in sea water with the " Mar Chica ".

How to get to Melilla and Nador

Through the port of Almeria from 6 to 8 Hours of Ferry.

Note that the highway Nador Fes Meknes - Rabat - Agadir is finish then you can visit the country without problem with an highway at reasonable price.

Climate Melilla
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