Climate Vigo

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Temperatures and rain in VigoThe climate is very mild in Vigo a big part of the year but in winter it's raining again and again !

Weather Vigo January February March April May June July August September October November décember
temperature average Vigo  10  11  12  14  16  18  20  21  20  16  13  12
temperature min Vigo  8  8  10  11  12  15  17  17  16  13  10  7
temperature max Vigo  13  14  15  17  18  20  23  24  22  20  16  14
temperature sea Vigo  13  14  14  15  16  18  21  22  19  17  16  14
average days Tshirt Vigo  0  0  1  5  12  21  27  26  21  11  3  0
days on th beach Vigo  0  0  0  2  10  17  22  23  18  8  1  0

When to see Vigo and Galicia

Galicia is a beautiful but rainy region, it's not uncommon to have rain even during the dry season July and August.

Visit Galicia and Vigo

Forget the winter months who is the rainiest season,you should prefer May to September with lovely surprises with a bright sun.

Beach tourism in Vigo

The most beautiful beaches in Spain are in Galicia, enjoy swimsuit from June to mid-September.

Our favorite month for enjoying Vigo and beaches

The end of August is often beautiful with water that can up to 23 degrees and less people on the beaches.

The live weather in Vigo

Our new weather service in Spain allows you to know the weather in Vigo for the next days.

Climate Vigo
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