climate malaga

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The climate in Malaga and the weather by month  The climate of Malaga is Mediterranean hot : very hot summer and no winter !

Weather by month in MalagaJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberdecember
Average temperature Malaga 11.5 12.5 14  16.5 19  22  23  24  21.5  20 16  13
temperature min Malaga 7 8 9 11 14 17 20  21  18  15.5 12 
temperature max Malaga 16 17 19 21.5 23.5 27 29  30  27  23.5  19 17 
seawater temperature Malaga 16 17 17 18 21  23 26 28 23 21 19  17
Average day in Tshirt Malaga 6 9 17 20 25 28 30 30 28 24 16 9
Average days at the beach Malaga 4 4 12 14 21 26 29 29 27 22 13 7

When to go to Malaga

mid March to mid June in Malaga

the days are long and temperatures are very pleasant (could be so hot in June in Malaga).

mid September to late October in Malaga

The climate still very hot after summer in mid September and is ideal until the end of October it's rare to put a sweat in the evening !

The best month for Malaga

For swimming we prefer the month of June because there is not so many people and water is at 23 degrees (best in June in Spain).

To visit Malaga and cities around May is a good month, long days and temperatures not so hot in this month !

Note that all seasons are good to visit Malaga but summer still very hot and you must take water with you.

When to go to the beach

You can go every month on the Malaga's beaches but from November to March is a little bit difficult because days are short, then the temperatures are very good only between 1 and 3 hours.

climate malaga
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