Climate Madrid

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Climate MadridThe climate in Madrid is Continental with cold winter.

Average temperature Madrid 5 6 10 13 16 20 24 24 19 14 9 6
temperature min Madrid 1 2 5 7 10 14 17 17 14 9 5 2
temperature max Madrid 9 11 15 18 22 27 31 30 25 19 13 9
Average days in Tshirt Madrid 0 0 1 5 10 20 28 27 20 10 2 0

When to go to Madrid

Summer in Madrid

If you don't have the choice and you need to take advantage of school holidays to move in July or August in Madrid, we recommend the month of August because there is less of citizen due to holidays and evenings can be more colder with the end of the month (we still remember that Madrid is 600 meters above sea level).

May in Madrid

Madrid Area peaks are still snow and the atmosphere of the city is quite warm after a hard winter.

Travel advice for Madrid's weather

Travel in May or September in Madrid, the nights begin to be less hot or not to be too cold.

Unexpected trip to Madrid

Why not winter to go to Madrid ? With the castles and palaces of the city a little ski around and you are in Austria !

Climate Madrid
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