Climate Compostela

climate Saint Jacques de CompostelleThe climate of Compostela is less rainy and especially mild all year.

  January February March April May June July August September October November december
temperature average  9  10  11  13  15  17  19  20  18  15  12  10
temperature min  5  6  7 9  11  13  15  16  14  11  8  6
temperature max  12  13  15  16  18  21  23  24  22  18  15  13
temperature sea - - - - - - - - - - - -
days in tshirt  0  0  0  5  10  17  20  21  16  8  1  0
days at the beach  0  0  0  3  8  12  16  17  12  5  1

When to go to Saint Jacques de Compostela

Galicia is a region renowned for its rain but mostly by his pilgrimage to Saint Jacques de Compostela, prized by Catholics but also by lovers.

Best time to travel to Saint Jacques de Compostela

Without hesitation summer is the best time to travel to Saint Jacques de Compostela whether for visiting this beautiful region and the city or to make the holy pilgrimage.

Swimming around Compostela

For Vigo, the water temperature is rarely above 20 degrees, only the summer and the months of July August and even September has temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean up to 22 degrees.

Climate Compostela
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