Climate Bilbao

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Climate in BilbaoThe climate is oceanic in Bilbao with a good influence of the Gulf Stream on the beautiful beaches of the Basque country including San Sebastian.

  January February March April May June July August September October November december
Average temperature Bilbao  9  9  12  13  15  18  20  20  19  16  12  10
temperature min Bilbao  6  6  8  9  12  15  17  17  15  13  9  7
temperature max Bilbao  12  12  15  16  18  21  23  22  22  19  14  12
temperature mer Bilbao  12  12  13  15  17  18  21  23  21  18  14  13
Average days in Tshirt Bilbao  0  4  7  10  20  28  29  29  24  14  6  0
Average beach days Bilbao  0  0  3  8  12  20  24 26   20  8  2  0

When to go to Bilbao

If you're not afraid of rain Bilbao is pleasant all year with honors in the summer. But Summer in Basque Country as opposed to other cities in Spain the climate is oceanic that refreshes the atmosphere.

To visit the city and is famous museum throughout the year is nice.

Tourist beaches in Bilbao, when going to the beach in San Sebastian (Donostia)

To enjoy the ocean beaches of the Basque Country in April to May the weather is very unpredictable, you can have a wet weather as a good heat against it's very rare to have cold this time including San Sebastian.

Summer in San Sebastian is hot and the water of the ocean that can climb to 24 degrees is very nice, the only problem is the abundance of tourist.

The better time to go to the Basque country it's on September but this is not an absolute science with the atlantic ocean !

Travel Tips Bilbao - Saint Sebastien

We advise you to go to the day during the summer at the beach like San Sebastian and go in the night city to visit and enjoy a quieter life in Bilbao.

Climate Bilbao
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