Climate Sevilla

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The climate in SevillaThe weather and temperature in Sevilla are like an African city, it's a city with a big night life.

  January February March April May June July August September October November décember
Average temperature Sevilla   11  12  15  17  20  25  29  29  25 20  15  17
temperature min Sevilla   6  7  9  11  14  17  20  21  18  14  11  7
temperature max Sevilla   15  17  20  23  26  32  37  36  32  26  19  16
Average days in Tshirt Sevilla   5  8  10  15  24  28  31  31  30  23  12  3

When to go to Sevilla

In summer the city of Sevilla is made for warriors of tourism because the temperature are very hot, take water and do not be afraid, in the afternoon you will be alone! The city is deserted before nightfall.

In Sevilla the winter is very plaisant, November is only really rainy but do not worry there is not 3 days of rain in a row when it rains 2 hours it's a record.

Sevilla travel advice

Two cases for tourism in Sevilla

You go to the coast before or after (Costa de la luz or costa del sol), in this case you must prefer mid September to mid October to visit Sevilla because temperatures are still mild on the coast like near Cadiz and even if a day there is not good temperature you can enjoy the sweetness of Seville (26 degrees in October yet).

You go for a weekend in Seville or auto tour with Granada, Cordoba etc ... In this case it's better to go in May starting with Seville which is the hottest city and ending with Granada live student town, but Granada is in altitude so a little cooler and very pleasant just before the summer.

Climate Sevilla
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