Where is the best toboggan in Spain
Dangerous toboggan in Spain is close

The biggest toboggan is closed after opening in Andalusia

Malaga's coast are very slopping, the city of Estepoña near Malaga in Andalousia, decide to construct for 28 000 euros a big toboggan to have less ride between the upland and the coast.

Characteristic of the biggest toboggan of Spain

There is 38 meters between the higher point and the lower point and it is incline at the most terrific point near 34 degrees !

Why this toboggan is closed

The opening was on thursday may the 9th of 2019 and the closure happen the next day Friday may the 10th !

The slope according to some users caused bruises, the municipality said no, this is only some persons that not hear, listen and understand the instructions : you must be seat and not lying down.

10 000 persons in 24 hours used this transport with success but a minority no.

Who can we listen the municipality of Estepoña or some users.

An investigation was conducted to understand what is happening and improve the experience of this incredible toboggan in Andalusia.

The biggest toboggan is closed after opening in Andalusia
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