No candidate in Spain with the agreement of Congress of Deputies

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After many consultations with Spain political parties, the Spanish King Felipe 6 decide to call the chief of Congress of Deputies Miss Meritxell Batet Lamaña to advertise her that no agreement is possible.

La Casa del Rey of Spain publish the decision

This declaration arrive the tuesday 17th september.

His Majesty the King has concluded the consultations that, in compliance with article 99 of the Constitution, have been held during the 16th and 17th of this September.

His Majesty the King, after receiving the information that has been transferred by the representatives designated by the political groups with parliamentary representation that have appeared in the consultations, has found that there is no candidate who has the necessary support for the Congress of The Deputies, where appropriate, grant their trust.

In that sense and in accordance with the above on September 12 in the convening of these consultations, His Majesty the King has communicated to the President of the Congress, Mrs. Meritxell Batet Lamaña, who does not make a proposal for a candidate for the Presidency of the Government. All this for the purposes of the provisions of article 99 of the Constitution.

Explanations for the new election in Spain

The last elections of the governement by the deputies was the 23 July 2019, and no deal arrive to elect Pedro Sanchez again.

Then the king have 2 months to wait for a new deal, but no agrement between Spain political parties. The king will do the final declaration next monday 23 September 2019 to call new elections the 10 November 2019.

This is only the second time that this article is used by the king, last time was the 26 April 2016 with new elections the 26 june 2016.

No candidate in Spain with the agreement of Congress of Deputies
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Why new elections in Spain for end 2019